Effort Considers Ocelot Reintroduction
USDA Confirms Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in a Wild Bird in South Carolina
Soulsby Foundation Launches Call for One Health Fellowships
Endangered Ocelots and Their Genetic Diversity May Benefit from Artificial Insemination
2022 Seed Grant Program Launches

The UT One Health Initiative has launched its second seed grant competition. The goal of the program is to create transdisciplinary synergies among faculty, staff, students, and external collaborators that…
Undergraduate Student Researchers Present Posters at Discovery Day

Two undergraduate students involved with the Center for Wildlife Health shared poster presentations at UT, Knoxville’s Discovery Day, held at Hodges Library. Discovery Day is a chance for students to…
New Course, Art and Science of Scientific Collaborations

A new course will be available to graduate students, post-doctoral research scientists, and faculty in STEM this fall. The Art and Science of Scientific Collaborations will explore challenges associated with…
2021 Seminar Schedule Released

Our One Health Lunch & Learn Seminar Series brings together speakers from across UT, the nation, and world to discuss their work and how they tackle current global challenges. From…
One Health Lunch & Learn Seminar Series Announced

The UT One Health Initiative is pleased to announce a monthly Lunch & Learn Seminar Series! This series will bring together speakers from across UT, the nation, and world to…