CWD Working Group

Working Group Objectives

The CWD Working Group is tasked with arranging joint team meetings, sharing CWD-related information, organizing seminars on CWD, coordinating efforts with TWRA and the Tennessee Wildlife Federation (TWF), and seeking extramural funding to support group activities.

Currently, three core research teams (CRTs) are working on CWD projects from the aspects of (1) deer movement and genetics, (2) human dimension and economic impacts, and (3) prion detection and environmental manipulation.


The CWD Working Group has set the following milestones for 2021-23:

  1. Develop a strategic plan.
  2. Strengthen and expand the working group.
  3. Increase the visibility of the working group.
  4. Build stronger and broader connections with state agencies, federal agencies, other CWD groups, and stakeholders.
  5. Seek extramural funding to support group activities and to make the working group sustainable.


Working group success will be measured by the following deliverables:

  1. Development and dissemination of a strategic plan.
  2. Increased number of working group members and core research teams (CRTs).
  3. Extramural funding associated with each CRT.
  4. Publications, presentations, and news releases.
  5. Undergraduate and graduate student training in a multilateral research environment.
  6. Outreach activities through workshops and seminars on CWD.
  7. Increased awareness of CWD issues and working group activities among state and federal agencies, scientific groups, and stakeholders.
  8. Sustainable funding mechanism for the working group.

CWD Working Group Members

Working Group Directors




Working Group Members





















Chuck Yoest image
Chuck Yoest
Tennessee Dept. of Environment and Conservation

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